Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Details On StreetPass

Taken directy from nintendo3dsblog:

StreetPass Quest begins with your Mii trapped in a tower. To escape, you must use Miis you have collected via StreetPass and battle increasingly powerful enemies in turn-based combat. If you haven’t collected any Miis then you’re able to purchase a cat in armour to act as a substitute. You purchase this cat with two game coins, which have been previously detailed The cat has two attack options: sword and magic.

The goal of StreetPass Puzzle is to construct a 3D puzzle. But to complete this puzzle you need to collect pieces by interacting with other folks via StreetPass. The more people you interact with, the more puzzle pieces you gain until you can finally complete the puzzle. Richard was unable to test this game out fully however as it does rely on StreetPass interaction which he lacked.


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