Sunday, March 13, 2011

Site Closed Indefinetly

Due to economic considerations as well as the recent release of the Nintendo 3DS system, we have decided to close down our site.

Special thanks goes to our readers that have supported us over the last two years as well as our writers Mr. Smith, Mr. Lyons, and Mr.Tyner.

Now go play some games!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Double The Life Of Your 3DS Battery

3-6 hour battery life will soon be a thing of the past, or something that never has to happen at all if you don't even have a 3DS yet :) Nyko is releasing a batter pack for the 3DS that attaches onto the back of the system, doubling the battery life.

Go to this article on Kotaku for more details and a picture.!5779673/nyko-doubles-the-battery-life-of-the-3ds

Monday, March 7, 2011

Walmart Explains Why The 3DS Keeps Becoming Unavailable

Walmart Online was recently contacted about why, on occasion, it appears that the 3DS is sold out. Here is what they said:

They have been putting a pre-order "tracker" on the website. Pre-orders cut off after X amount are sold. Then they go back in and set a new number. They do this to keep better track inventory.

Well either way, it looks like the 3DS is selling well at Walmart and there will no doubt become a time when the 3DS preorders really do sell out for good.

Where Are The 3DS Kiosks And Advertisements?

They are currently no where to be found in the US. Other countries have displays and are having touring events. Doesn' seem like a great way to get the word out about the 3DS. According to reports, Nintendo of America has figured that most of the initial systems will be purchased by the more hardcore fans meaning they are waiting to start advertising until after launch for the casual gamer.

Kiosks will start appearing at your local Gamestop no sooner that March 23rd and no later than April 8th according to reports.

Offical Response From Nintendo About The Piracy Rumors

From Nintendo3dsblog:

“We do not discuss product security details (for obvious reasons), nor can we discuss the details of countermeasures available in the Nintendo 3DS system. Nintendo 3DS has the most up-to-date technology. The security has been designed to protect both the creative works in the software and to protect the Nintendo 3DS hardware system itself.”

We've Made Some Changes

We are currently changing around the layout of the site, experimenting to see what brings the best viewing experience. More changes are likely to come! Feel free to email us any suggestion or tell us what you think by clicking on the Contact Us tab.

Walmart Online Has Nintendo 3DS In Stock Again!

We had previously reported that the Nintendo 3DS was sold out online at Walmart but it seems they are once again in stock. This is at the least the second time this has happened. So there you go.

Rumors About 3DS Piracy Prevention And Swearing

From gonintendo

"Rumor has it that the 3DS can actually keep a log of activity that will make note of whether a flash cart was used or not. Furthermore, retailers will be able to check this log, and if they see pirate activity they will not be able to do a trade-in."

"That's not even the worst part. We're also hearing that the 3DS will see an update that will block the system from booting up if you've used a flash cart. In other words, if you're playing a pirated game, Nintendo could send out an update that kills your system! Finding a workaround for that might be a bit tough, and quite bothersome as well."

"Finally, the last rumored update is one that pertains to curse words on the 3DS. As you know, the system currently accepts curse words and other dirty language when it comes to naming things on the 3DS. It seems that an update is on the way to squash that kind of activity." RUMOR - Nintendo using sneaky protection on 3DS to track pirates, block resale, disable startup

3D Is Not Just A Gimmick, Can Create Sense Of Depth

So says Hideki Konno, a Nintendo developer. Konno stands by Nintendo's decision to brace 3D and argues that it can affect the gameplay of a game. It is an interesting article and one you can read from Kotaku at:!5778607/nintendo-wont-back-down-on-3dit-makes-games-easier-to-feel

3DS Ocarina Of Time Will Have Master Quest

Personally, I was hoping for some brand-new content, but I suppose the Master Quest will have to do. The Master Quest changes around the puzzles of the castles, making them more challenging in most cases.